Evelien Chewy

Racquel the Dutch glittery centaur whore X3
Racquel the Dutch glittery centaur whore X3 by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

Commission for a guy called Jack. He seemed very interested in my nationality, so he wanted me to design a Dutch girl, either the traditional tulip girl with the clogs and that weird Smurf hat (O.o), or a girl that represented Amsterdam: the diamond city on the one side, but also the city with the red lamp district on the other side :P I found the last option more fun, so.. ^^;;; Here she is. A Dutch prostitute who is very fond of jewelry.

Jack seems to have more characters who are all fairies. But Racquel turns into a centaur at night (but keeps her fairy (butterfly) wings). I wanted to try my hand at centaurs (never drawn them before!), so I did that. They're so much fun to do! I'll most likely draw one again sometime soon ^-^

... I have no idea whether a centaur is Furry or Humanoid. Something inbetween. So I just went for the Furry option X3

Medium: Shaded with a 2B pencil.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelien Chewy

Mature (N)
Finished Work
21y254d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

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