Rebecca Mason

Erm.....the return to kindergarten?
Erm.....the return to kindergarten? by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Hehe, a pic inspired (but not from) by an RP with Charlotte, this is how old most of them would look if you were to knock the first digit of their ages, example: Vegeta is 28..knock off the 2 and he'd just be 8, and it goes like that for all the chars. There's Jeice who's 8 years old and looking over to Chi-Chi, Radditz is just looking puzzled, Videl has her hair in bunches again, Steven and Quartina are just walking together, Vegeta's being hugged by Bulma, Trowa just looks at them, Goten laughs at Trunks who is now younger than him for some reason and Trunks just pouts, Yamcha teaches Duo how to climb, Duo just says his usual comment, 18 looks quite happy and probably hyper or something, Bardock seems confused too, Gohan, Wufei, Heero, Krillin, Tien, Goku, Nail, Piccolo and Quatre just look towards a camera (hey there could be one there) Supreme Kai looks like he's introducing something ^^; (he's just meant to look mischeivious) and Chi-Chi just looks at something. ^^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y58d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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