Leia Michaels

Toravian Royal Family
Toravian Royal Family by @Leia (Leia Michaels)

This is Briana Malin, the character of mine that shows up in my gallery most often, and her family. Her mother is terminally ill, and her father is just breaking the news to Bri. Don't worry, Tatiana is all better now. ^-^ I love the contrast of Bri's parents, though Westen's fun-loving teasing side isn't quite as obvious here. <=)

I tried some new things in this picture, and most came out with mixed results. <=) :) The border was okay, if crooked... the coloring strayed outside of the lines (oops) and there are little lines in a lotta places there shouldn't be. If you find 'em, I'd give you a prize, but they're pretty easy to find. ;) Also notice that in this picture that her father Westen has two left hands - he doesn't as a character, but it works well with the two left feet I accidentally gave Bri awhile back. ^-^ The hands were okay in the original sketch, but they lost something in the tracing. <=) Like a thumb. Oops?

All in all, experimentation just coloring pic - Approved. :) Even down to the Hawkeye colors on the crown. ;)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Leia Michaels

Finished Work
21y170d ago
Other Work By @Leia

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