Hayley Price

Mahou Shoujo, Pretty Kitty!
Mahou Shoujo, Pretty Kitty! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Hmm . . . is it just me, or is that smirk on Magical Girl Pretty Kitty's face just a little TOO vicious for a Champion of Love and Justice? Is it just me, or does she look like she's really going to enjoy throwing that Mimic Attack produced 'Venus Love and Beauty Shock'? Is it just me, or does Kitty look like she's about to pulverize several very powerful Demon Lords with a huge weakness against the positive life energies that Magical Girls embody? It's probably just me, but then, I DID draw this, sooooo . . .

That's exactly what she's doing. I've been on a Slayers kick lately, and I was trying to figure out how Catrine would fight the powerful Mazoku Lords of the Slayers, when I suddenly rememebred she had the forgotten ability to become a Magical Girl. Mwa ha ha ha . . .

For those of you who haven't hung around me long enough to know about Pretty Kitty, her magical abilities are actually really, really pathetic and uneffective. She's only slightly more powerful than Chibi Moon was in Sailor Moon S. Any ability she uses that has ANY sort of effect, such as the mimic ability that permits her to use Venus's move, are abilities she can use in her normal form as well. Catrine only become Pretty Kitty for the shock value of it, and in this case, for the Love and Peace bonus that'll weaken her enemies like you wouldn't BELEIVE.

More new markers, this time on cheap lined paper. You may notice that the costume design changed a bit . . . revised her baton, added a blue line down her shirt as well as on it, changed her skirt to solid blue . . . the boots didn't change. I just colored one blue before I realized they're supposed to be gold. Had I not done this, they'd be yellow with purple banding around the top.

22y150d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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