Karen Kyoto

Permine Kane, Seer of Darkness and Jet (Almost Done Coloring)
Permine Kane, Seer of Darkness and Jet (Almost Done Coloring) by @karekyot (Karen Kyoto)

Hey, hey, hey! I ACTUALLY kept my WORD (colored it yesterday)! ^-^' To start off, I'm BAD at shading and lighting so don't laugh...Actually, you can...If you want to. --' I KNOW I'm a BAD colorer...Is that even a real word...?! Oo Nevermind. My brother and my friends like this...My brother REALLY likes this picture. I showed some classmates the picture, but some didn't believe I drew it because of the "computer lines". My printer is crap...Stupid printer. kicks it My friend's mad at me... shrugs She'll get over it. I will finish coloring later. Umm...Can I ask this...Umm...How the HECK are you supposed to color the face?! I want to make it look dark in the hood! Can ANYBODY ANSWER MY QUESTION?! Ahem. And no, I do NOT have PhotoShop. Actually, I've never USED it either. Umm...I colored the picture with colored pencils...Yes, colored pencils.

22y80d ago
Other Work By @karekyot

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