Quilfish Variant and Lavaqwil
Quilfish Variant and Lavaqwil by @Eternity9

Presenting Fire type Quilfish variant and Lavaqwil

An unusual Quilfish variant and its evo, have been found on a remote island that has an active volcano and a giant resident Heatran that roams it’s surface, the place is mostly populated by Magby, Magmar, Slugma, Magcargo, Rolycoly, Carkol and Coalossal, so spotting this strange variant among its locals was very surprising to the research’s.

This variant seems to be just as aggressive as its distant cousins, though how or why a Quilfish population adapted to this hostile environment alludes us.

It was probably out of spite



Type: Fire

Ability: Flame Body / Anger Point

Hidden Ability: Steam Engine


Type: Fire/ Steel

Ability: Flame Body / Anger Point

Hidden Ability: Steam Engine


Okay so I saw this photo of this red pufferfish bowl/container thing? and thought wouldn’t that be amusing as a Quilfish variant! and well here we are. I had the Idea of making it a convergent species but couldn’t think of a good name for the Quilfish part, so just stuck with is being a variant instead.


Photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post [https://shiftythrifting.com/post/186654713088/a-round-boy-i-think-it-was-an-alarm-clock-a-jot](https://shiftythrifting.com/post/186654713088/a-round-boy-i-think-it-was-an-alarm-clock-a-jot)



Finished Work
8d14h ago
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