JC Robinson

I Feel So
I Feel So by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Sometimes I wish I was brave I wish I was stronger I wish I could feel no pain I wish I was young I wish I would try I wish I was honest I wish I was you not I

'Cause I feel so mad I feel so angry I feel so careless So lost, confused, just mad I feel so cheap So used, unfaithful Let's start over Let's start over

Sometimes I wish I was smart I wish I made cures for How people are I wish I had power I wish I could lead I wish I could change the world For you and me

'Cause I feel so mad I feel so angry I feel so careless So lost, confused, just mad I feel so cheap So used, unfaithful Let's start over Let's start over

'Cause I feel so mad I feel so angry I feel so careless So lost, confused, just mad I feel so cheap So used, unfaithful Let's start over Let's start over

I feel so mad I feel so angry I feel so careless So lost, confused, just mad I feel so cheap So used, unfaithful Let's start over Let's start over

Well, those are the lyrics to a song called "I Feel So" By: Boxcar Racer which inspired this picture. Of course every song I hear I have to relate to something and thus I related it to this so...yeah 9.9;

Uh...I don't know if it was appropriate to rate it so highly but because the younger Irken is nude (although there is nothing there as is customary with Irkens) I wasn't sure I was doing anything wrong. Still, just playing it safe ^.^ Artwork © Copyright 2003 JC Robinson

Mature (N)
Rough / Concept
21y73d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

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