
Silver and Maruki - Shattered Reality
Silver and Maruki - Shattered Reality by @SylverKitsune (Sylver)

These are two of my characters, Silver (As seen in a previous picceh ^_^ ) And her best friend/mortal enemy Maruki.

The story behind the Best friend/mortal enemy thing:

They were childhood friends, and inseperable. Then Maruki staged his own death, handed their home over to a deadly enemy force, killed Silver once, brought her back to life for 'entertainment', almost killed her a second time, and is making her life an all around living 'ell. Silver has mixed feelings about this - she hates him for everything he's done to her and her friends, but still loves a part of him like a brother, and wants him back. I tried to capture this in my picture - I don't know if I suceeded, but I tried. ^_^

Finished Work
20y313d ago
Other Work By @SylverKitsune

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