Critters 3: Manticore by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)
Old stuff first.
My version of a manticore. Why does it have two different tails? Well, there's eventually going to be two different versions; one with the normal scorpion tail, and one with a bee-sting as a tail
It also has lines for both male and female versions (mane or no mane)
I don't much like the way the scorpion tail came out.
Why does it have eyebrows, you may be wondering? Well, manticores are supposed to have human faces, but I found that to hard, so I just gave it an eyebrow on a normal feline face.
Why horns? 'Cuz their cool. Why sabre-fangs? 'Cuz I like them for some reason.
image © Violet Whirlwind
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