Laura Alexander

Naji Portrait
Naji Portrait by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

This is my half of an art trade I got into with my friend several months ago before I broke my arm, but that's not why I stopped in the middle of it's creation. I had decided to have the lineart colored. So, since this was the first time I had tried it, it was rather difficult, especially when I got to having to color it in. I was literally going at it pixel-by-pixel in the closest zoom in OC so that I wouldn't mess up the lineart, because I had decided to do everything on the same layer. I'm not even entirely sure I'm making sense, but it was insanely hard, and I'm still not completely satisfied with it. But it's done, now. I hope she likes it for all the effort and time I wasted. x_x

Finished Work
18y77d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

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