Samantha Nowinski

Sandra, Andrea, Avenger, and June
Sandra, Andrea, Avenger, and June by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

These are more original characters from a recent story I've been planning. Here's the storyline--Sandra is a normal teenager living on planet Earth until one day a strange spaceship lands in her back yard. Andrea pops out of the ship, and she's callng Sandra the "Chosen One" and is trying to take her back to her planet for marriage (Andrea is the chosen bride for the Chosen One). Sandra refuses to go, because of the fact that they're both girls. Sandra tells her mother and father about it, and (surprisingly) they've been expecting this. Sandra's life completely changes when she learns that SHE is an alien, but she's forced to keep it a secret from everybody else. Andrea is unable to go back to her planet, though, because her space ship is wrecked, so she has to wait for someone from her planet to come and get her. So, meanwhile, Andrea has to live with Sandra, go to her school, try to fit in, and just TRY not to admit to everyone that she's from another planet. Oh, and Avenger is Sandra's dog, and June is Sandra's little cousin. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y330d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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