Li Chi Son

Old sketch from last year - # 3
Old sketch from last year - # 3 by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)
I missed the fact that I posted over 100 images just yesterday : P *party!* Let's all thank Side7 for being a great art site *praise*.

ok...now for the explanation.

It's Rei holding Hellion's evil evil sword....I can't remember what it's called -_-;. Crud...

N e hoo, this was part of a Chapter Pages idea that i had in mind. (therefore that's chapter xx on it, no no, not 20, just some unknown number) I never got around to writing up the whole story cause....THERE ARE TOO MANY BLANK HOLES IN MY MEMORY TO REMEMBER IT ALL! pant pant I have to ask everyone about the old, 5-years ago, plots again....if they remembered. (Pst....Li Chi...I think everyone got a life.) -_-; hush....

I really loved how this turned out but it got Wet!!! WAHHHH! Her left leg is a bit too short, and I think I over did it on the hair.

-_-...nonetheless, enjoy!

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

21y177d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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