
thursday 28th, december 2023
thursday 28th, december 2023 by @rrrivverr (rrrrrrrriver)

going even further back to december 2023!!! still havent really picked up drawing again so im posting a little more older art as i do want to make it a habit to upload regularly ^w^

i actually like this one a lot and im really proud of it!! the lyrics are taken from girlfriends by h4rtbrkr

ive blurred out a couple things as they could be interpreted as romatization or promotion of self harm, i have uploaded the original to an image posting site here if you are uncomfortable with the depiction of self harm or get easily influenced and encouraged by it, dont view it. though i do want to emphasize it is a fairly mild and simple depiction and no near gore-y or gore related

Teen (DLO)
Finished Work
43d5h ago
Other Work By @rrrivverr

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