Nichol Stout

Futrainia by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

This is the main cast for Futrainia a story im working on. This is the third time ive tried to upload this without a screwup but i hope it will work this time. In this pic we have Regin the green dragon. Coll the unicorn with the rainbow main, shes not gay by the way, none of my chars are. Theres Chrvu the black panther with white stripes. And we got Kim the golden cat right beside him. On Nicoma's shoulder is my real life pet bird who passed away. His name was Gohan in real life but for story reasons i changed it to Jay. Of course we have Nicoma. The tigress beside her is Nicoma's oldest child Kovanna. Above Kovanna is the sabertooth tiger Saber. And last but not least in the middle is Nicoma and Chrvu's dad Raid. The stripe is in no way related to that of evana's. Its a family thing. Only the purest of hearts in the royal blood line have the stripe down the eye as a reminder of the scar that Kindomajar got when she..............im not going to explain the whole story and bore the heck out of you. Lets just say its genetics. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

Finished Work
22y60d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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