Lakai Miyonashi

Dancing In Our Eyes
Dancing In Our Eyes by @bushelofapples (Lakai Miyonashi)

More fanart from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it's characters from my sequel, PofS; the Past of Four Souls. The red-haired one is Captain Talia Frost, who belongs to my friend Grace, and the blonde is MY character Sarah "Pandora" Warren.

I usually only upload sketchy, unfinished pictures at this gallery, but I felt I needed to upload this somewhere since I have the wallpaper version at my devART gallery. The lyrics are from The Riddle, which is from The Scarlet Pimpernel. Yeah.

Anyway, they're not yuri. I just thought I'd mention that, because, in a way, it sort of looks like they could be. But they aren't. I can prove it by saying that if you look at another picture in my gallery, you'll find that Sarah is wholeheartedly straight, and so is Talia (Though I have no evidence on her...except that she would NEVER love a woman, and I KNOW it. Or a man, for that matter, but she could love a man if she found one. NEVER a woman though.). So yeah. Sorry about that.

Finished Work
20y215d ago
Other Work By @bushelofapples

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