Daisy Hunt

The Man in the Mirror
The Man in the Mirror by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

The only KH piece in this batch. It was directly inspired by the prompt Sin - Pride at the KH is Love comm.

Sephiroth is studying his wings in the mirror, wondering if they could have a reason for being there that isn't negative. And he is thinking again that they make him a monster. The pride comes from his displeasure that they do exist and that they have changed his form, of which he was always quite proud.

I like how he turned out, but I'm iffy on his reflection. I was working with a very awkward angle. His mirror self is unfinished on purpose, for several reasons. One is symbolism. Another is that it was not coming out right, especially the mouth. Getting two semi-good profile mouths in a row is near impossible.

16y218d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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