Patricia Green

Nostalgia Sketches
Nostalgia Sketches by @SolarGriffin (Patricia Green)

Title says it all. There hasn't been a lot of recent stuff here because if I havent been consumed by studio art for class, I've been working on my humans... Which is a very slow process for me ^^; And the results are nothing that I would show anyone aside from close friends... But yesterday I just wanted to draw without any effort... so I relapsed.

These are some old RP charries I havent used in I while. I miss them, really. Luckily for Krash, he is going to become active again real soon... As for the canines... I suppose time will tell.

Also trying to just see if I can still draw doggies... took me to Kaiyo before I could remember --; Ell looks drugged and I dont know what the heck is up with Ally's pose.

20y68d ago
Other Work By @SolarGriffin

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