Matthew Sarginson

Nitro, the walking grenade
Nitro, the walking grenade by @Max (Matthew Sarginson)

one of the members of the Nazty Boyz, and the smallest of all of them, Nitro has a sever inferiority complex and a real short temper! which is a lethal combination for a guy who can blow up any minute and reconstruct himself without any damage. normally acting very tough, nitro actually feels very weak outside of the help of his fellow Nazty Boyz, and often chickens out if alone. but often, if you even do such a thing as even suggest hes small...BOOM! Nitro is probably the most aggressive Nazty Boy, despite his diminuative size, and is normally the 1st one to make an aggressive comment or poke fun at the opposistion. beware though, even though hes quite weak physichally, all he has to do it pull the pin on the side of his head and your toast! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Matthew Sarginson

Finished Work
22y38d ago
Other Work By @Max

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