
Tannhäuser im Venusberg
Tannhäuser im Venusberg by @Isolde (Isolde)

the poet and singer Tannhäuser once heard about a mountain which some say of the devil lives in there and some say the lovegoddess Venus does. He found out the truth: Venus loved her new "lover" who stayed in the mountain for one year, then he had to get out and see the sun again and he remembered his duties. Venus didn't want him to go, but she finally gave in. Tannhäuser became a pilgrim and went to Rome where he hope the pope would forgive his sins, but he said it would be more probable that an old dry branch has green leaves again than that god would forgive T. So Tannhäuser, feeling let down by the world and god, went back to the venus mountain. Some days later the branch suddenly had new leaves and the pope tried to find Tannhäuser, because god had forgiven him. But T. was never seen again... (Wagner's opera's different) (dammit, so many grammar mistakes, indian ink screwed uo the image, my other colored pencils got lost...) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Isolde Scheurer

Rough / Concept
22y27d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

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