Aaron Theos

Armor Lugia and Andragultima by @aarontheos (Aaron Theos)

These two are both different forms that Aaron Theos (my character) can transform into. Armor Lugia, yes, is a Pokemon, but oops, he's a lot more powerful and he could kick ANY of their butts ANY day...now... ^^ back to the subject... ok, well that's Armor Lugia, who can use sword-like attacks via his tail and wings, when the blades are extended. Andragultima, the "Ultimate Android Dragon", earns his title well, although he's a bit on the slow-reflex side. His massive size slows him down, but when he hits, he hits HARD. His tail-jaw is strong enough to crush any object, be it stone, steel, or diamond, in addition to anything it can bite onto. Where the two golden metal flaps are located on his shoulders (not including the two on either hindquarter, just both shoulders) , there is a hidden hatch that slides open to release two powerful metal wings. So far, these are the only original things Aaron can turn into besides Vipetroid... (what a huge description that was....) O.o

Finished Work
22y202d ago
Other Work By @aarontheos

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