Stephanie R

Slash and Blaze's kids!
Slash and Blaze's kids! by @Lea_the_Wolf (Stephanie R)

EEE! So cute!!! XD Yeah, for some reason beyond my control, Blaze and Slash have suddenly become the perfect couple. And these are their kids. XD (Once again, you see Bj, but he's probably age like...three.) I'll go from youngest to oldest. First there's little BJ, Bionca is the little girl in the red dress, and the burly looking dude on the left is the oldest.....which I haven't been able to think up the name yet. --' (I know, I'm pathetic.) Cute thing is, all the kitties are pure white like they're daddy, but little BJ is the one that inhearited the purple from his mom! XD Oh, and also like her mom, little Bionca has the little gem on her forehead. (It's sorta like a royal birthmark, because where Blaze comes from the females assume leadership. Cool huh? ^^)

17y291d ago
Other Work By @Lea_the_Wolf

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