Laura Alexander

Where am I?
Where am I? by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

Inspired by a song called 0/1 Angel, I decided to do the unheard of and give my main character a total revamp.

I turned Jetbaby into a cute little robot.

Style is Tezuka inspired, I hope people notice, I went for simplicity with the lines and the smudging-watercolor thing for the colors.

Everything felt like it took forever, because I did put a great deal of work into it, but I got it done in about 2 or 3 days...

Very iffy on the background. I just came up with it on the fly. I wanted her to be stumbling around somewhere and figured I've always liked the image of a robot out of it's element, that is, out in a green field surrounded by flowers. ...But the flowers didn't come out right. Ho hum.

I'm not used to drawing things like this, so, how'd I do?

Finished Work
17y363d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

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