Kitty Ryan

Colour, Regardless
Colour, Regardless by @aodhnait (Kitty Ryan)

My first almost-decent bit of CG work in months. I've changed my style quite a bit, and there were no filters used at all. Not even in the top. I'm pleased about that. Her hair needs work (dreadlocks are hard), as do her pants and shoes--which seem tohave turned into warped, platformed Doc. Martins--but, on the whole, I'm happy.

Quite a bit of detail has been lost in her face, because I had to scale down the image so I could upload here, so I might put up a headshot at a later date.

The lineart, of course, belongs to Ali Young--who has a habit of drawing my own characters much better than I ever could.

20y100d ago
Other Work By @aodhnait

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