Lisa Jorgensen

T 4 2
T 4 2 by @Xeophane (Lisa Jorgensen)

As simple as this picture may be (and as fast as I rushed with those damn cookies and the tea pot) I adore it to no end. This was a Christmas present for my buddy Heather, who drew a beautiful picture of Scotti and Bailey together. They make such a sweet couple and I can't stop drawing them! Seriously I think I have an obsession.

To those who do not know, Scotti is a fairly new character, although she was my version of Cheer Bear before just turned into a pink border collie to make more original, which isn't very original but I haven't seen a pink border collie furry as of yet, so I think I'm okay for now. RUNON And Bailey is Heather's miniature schnauzer character, based off one of her dog's puppies! Again, I've yet to see a miniature schnauzer furry, so Bailey is very original. gushes over characters to make you puke

Finished Work
18y88d ago
Other Work By @Xeophane

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