Maximiliano Baldo

Nagoos by @Megawacky_Max (Maximiliano Baldo)

Based on Argentum OnLine, an OnLine RPG developed in Argentina, I wrote a long story with original characters.

Nagoos is one of them.

Don't you think he's insane. He's something worse. He's a FANATIC of blades. He loves to colelct weapons and, as you can see, he likes to wear them as well.

Being an assasin, Nagoos spends more time polishing his collection rather than, well, killing people. It's only based on the desires of his boss and leader of Clan.

Still, do not get in Nagoos' way if he sees a fancy new (and perhaps unique) weapon. You may not live to see if he gets it.

There's more to do in the Net of Nets! (Megawacky Max)

Finished Work
19y353d ago
Other Work By @Megawacky_Max

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