Jordan Gregory

Mozart: Un-Wig-ed
Mozart: Un-Wig-ed by @invader_bast (Jordan Gregory)

u.u Scene from the random RP that we did last night. Lynne took everybody on a picnic to this meadowy foresty place... and there was an ocean with palm trees on the otherside! :D! Me and Mozart were looking for Dai(who ran off with the wine and never came back.) and we found the beach... and Sam skinny dipping. Sooooo Mozart and I stripped down and dived in. Mozart doesn't know how to swim though, so Sam gave him floaties. :B And AF The Shark Fish showed up later to scare us so she's in the BG there. Yup. I'm very pleased with how this turned out. I did it AAAAAALL by myself! :D Lynne helped a little with the shark fin cos it wasn't straight, but I did the water trails and everything else. u.u Yeeees.... STARE AND BE IN AWE!!

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y206d ago
Other Work By @invader_bast

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