Let the foxes eat cake!
Let the foxes eat cake! by @Eternity9

I should have gotten this pic done days ago, but anyway....yep it was me and my twin Birthday on the 3rd! we're getting older and it sucks XD

It sort of got made into a long weekend sort of thing, starting Friday getting cake, playing escape room game that my twin brought and watching Puss in Boots the last wish movie, sadly the cake was a bit much for me and made me feel very unwell at the end of the day >.<

Fortunately waking up Saturday I was fine again and me and my Twin went to a real Escape Room and manage to beat it!! I'll go into more details of that in another pic as I want to draw, some things based on what happened. I had wanted to do other stuff but because of a certain family member that got derailed and we couldn't and my twin also had work so things were kept short.

I know now looking back on the day what triggered me to have an emotional blow-up/vent, that those who watch me on my DeviantArt account know about and got very worried about me for it. I still regret posting that, but I will admit I had been dealing with melt downs prior to my Birthday, two days when I did emotionally breakdown and two other's I managed myself out from fully breaking down, all events I kept from my twin, she has a lot on her plate and she didn't need to know what was happening with me. Anyway moving on.

Sunday played almost 6 hours of Palworld probably would have gone for longer, but I was both very hungry because I had missed lunch and was tired. (We had an idea to go to the carnival that was in town, but decided against it, we hate crowds, we don't want to go on the rides we don't want to eat the food, its hot and the only thing we would be doing would be carnival games and trying to get prizes mainly through using my twin and her skills)

Monday I had hope to go around and shop a bit, especially locations I haven't been to for a while but it was stupidly hot again (Has been for days >.<) it was decided to cut it short and just do normal groceries shopping and just going to EB Games as a treat and use our B-Day voucher - THE END

Yeah not very exciting, sadly their isn't a lot to do where I live and we hadn't prepare more to plan out how we were going to celebrate our day.

But that being said I am glad to be sharing this earth with my twin and all that things she does. She is a very kind, thoughtful, hardworking and amazing person who deserve a lot more than what she get's.

Thank you for being my twin and my best friend.

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