Zakaria Shalih

Guilty pleasures stamp
Guilty pleasures stamp by @Masonicon (Zakaria Shalih)

salvaged from Deviantart

very few people know that Guilty pleasures can easily makes everyone hypocritical (or at least looks like it)

here are some of my guilty pleasures(updated): 1. Fill-in memes: it's illegal as shit in any dedicated art sites outside Deviantart itself 2. Online Petitions such as Change.org ones: for their low chance of success 3. Any games whose difficulty levels are exact opposite of Nintendo Hard 4. Bootleg games(not to be confused with pirated copies of any actual games) 5. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer parody movies 6. one-sided crossovers 7. etc

223d15m ago
Other Work By @Masonicon
In These Portfolios

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