Samantha Nowinski

A Love Triangle?
A Love Triangle? by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

In Chris' roleplay, Ralz and Mayumi are starting to grow distant from each other...Ralz is unsure of his feelings, and Mayumi's devastated about his decision to give their relationship a break until he can figure out those feelings..and who gets in the middle? Zim and Tak's (GASP! Shocking! Tak's the mom--lol) son, Tim ("I AM TIM!"). Tim...well, let's say he has this crush on Mayumi and he's determined to win her heart and make her forget all about "big, bad Ralz"...but Tim is unsuccessful because May still has it pretty hard for Ralz. And Ralz is becoming mad at Tim for trying to steal May away...and this makes Ralz even more confused of why he broke up with May in the first place. So...thus, the love triangle begins. Who will get May? Ralz, who's cold-tempered but charming in a strange way (and he has cool sunglasses. lol), or Tim, who's always determined and ignorant, coming up with devious plans to get May into his possession, ZIM-styled? Hmm...we shall see... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y294d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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