Collette Mailhot

A little something for Foggy .. ^_^
A little something for Foggy .. ^_^ by @collmail (Collette Mailhot)

Well, if you know anything about the Sailor Eons, you'd know that Foggy's the one that keeps it all going. She's got the website, keeps us in line, etc. lol ^^ So I figured I'd take a shot at drawing Sailor Foggy for her. And here she is in a classic heroic pose. lol ^_^

This took me about a week and a half to do because I messed it up royally and didn't have enough inspiration to come back to it until a week later. Then I did.. Scanned and colored it too. ^_^

Looks nice, eh? ^^ Unfortunately, Foggy's a little deformed in the arms and legs department. It took me -forever and a day- to get her head into that position, and also to make the hand holding the sword look right. Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure it doesn't look like that, but it's been pictured many different ways. So I just put my own spin on it. ~^ Plus, weapons are way more fun to draw anyway. ^_^

Hope you like it Foggy! ^_^

You can visit the Sailor Eons website at http://sailoreons.freehosting.net/index.html. ^_^

Finished Work
21y256d ago
Other Work By @collmail

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