Caitlin Chaney

Fenny's in the brig...
Fenny's in the brig... by @caitchan (Caitlin Chaney)

This is after she was kidnapped and sold to the Islirdrurian pirate Elias Hoag. She still has long hair at this point(cuts it off after her rescue). I had fun w/ the various shots of her all sulky and resentful.She's kept in the brig because she obviously won't use her abilities for someone else's gains, and when she's really uncooperative, they put her in the shackles; Hoag also has this psionic disruptor machine that causes her pain, hence the holding her head pic. The screamy one in the corner is either her screaming to be let out or warning the unsuspecting that the front portion of the floor can fatally electrocute unwanted visitors. My favorite is the closeup of her being all snarly and hateful, prolly diected at Hoag. ;>

Finished Work
21y168d ago
Other Work By @caitchan

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