Jessica Hayes

mcreuinion.gif by @jesshaye (Jessica Hayes)

Ideas drawn on paper towl. 10 year high school reuinion. She graduated when she was 14 (you know, I should probably define a birth date for Sho and Justin so they can age . . . nah), and nobody liked her 'coz she was mean.

Now that she's cute everyone likes her. She hates that. She wants to lord over them all.

This is after Snip returns, and seeing as that Sho accidentally put Justin to sleep (the very top picture) she needed a date, so she picked Snip. (They have a sort of mutual agreement, because Snip doesn't want to go back to Tarqi and be hung on the peg again, but he still sttempts to capture her. But he'd much rather make up for lost time after 20 years on the peg. XD)

Yup. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jessica Hayes

Rough / Concept
21y344d ago
Other Work By @jesshaye

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