Li Chi Son

Sakura says......AHHHH!!!
Sakura says......AHHHH!!! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

So fustrated. First my hard drive completely crashed a few months back, then the new hard drive decides to malfunction. After getting my tower back(luckily they got everything off my malfunctioning hard drive happy) I find out that my modem isn't responding!!!! AHHH!!!

So I drew Sakura saying Ahh! (it's another chinese lesson :P Oh, and that's Sakura's name on the bottom pic)

Been doodling more than actually drawing cause I've been crammed with everything. (1 more month of university and I'm free!!!! WAHHH >< can't wait)

Oh, and I was trying to decide how Sakura will look like as a cat (drew so many heads), and I settled with this one. Very cute no?


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y149d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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