
Lazeria as Edward Scissorhands =)
Lazeria as Edward Scissorhands =) by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Really really REALLY rough sketch of Lazeria as Edward Scissorhands =) I normally wouldn't upload something so very very sketchy but... Well, I don't know if this will ever be inked, colored, cleaned up, whatever, so I might as well upload it now...

Well... Edward Scissorhands was on TV... I watched it... got inspired and whatnot... and thus... Lazeria Scissorhands! The suit took me... just about forever... I had to stop for a while after getting about half of the shirt-ish part done.... Phew. My hands hurt just thinking back to that.

The scissors were... bad and hard and wrong... they came out sorta okay looking, though they don't really look a whole lot like scissors x-x;;; I couldn't really get a good idea of how the scissors were supposed to go... Edward wouldn't move his hands around enough for me to get a good look =/ Oh well.

Planning on redrawing this some other time. The suit came out looking almost nothing like the original... poo. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lacey Kendra

Rough / Concept
21y145d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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