Going Up... by @whitefantom (Jennifer Pitcock Doneske)
This was another commssioned painting for a greeting card design for MMC Greetings. The card is an "elevation" card--it's meant to be given as a congratulations to Pagan clergy for acheiving a new level (there are three levels; one could roughly equate this with the heirarchy of deacons and/or elders in many Protestant churches, or the heirarchy of Catholic clergy). There are actually three versions of this painting, each with the elevator's arrow pointing to a different floor. My instructions were to paint an old-fashioned elevator sailing upward on a field of clouds, in an almost surreal, cut-and-paste fashion. My two primary embellishments on this basic order were the tree design on the doors--to symbolize the Pagan association with nature--and the finial spire at the top, which depicts the three phases of the moon at its base. © 2005 MMC Greetings
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