
TLK Fanchar: Sang Déchire
TLK Fanchar: Sang Déchire by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Ah! Finally I draw a decent picture of my TLK fancharacter ^-^! I'm (obviously) not very good at the TLK style at all, so this little girl is rarely drawn ;-;

Ah, I am so tempted to write a 'fic of her life story, you've no idea... Maybe, one day...

There are a couple things really off with this... but it wasn't meant to come out good! But once I drew her head I really liked it and drew the body as well... I've been drawing big-headed things lately... On accident, of course...

A little about her: Those markings are like the markings on lion cubs when they're real young, except hers look... different, and they never completely fade, even as an adult.

That "scar" (just another marking) over her eye is the reason why her family was killed. She's an outlander (obviously :P) and her future mate would be Nuka :D Because I just loves him to death (erm... no pun intended ;-;)

Uhh.. And I think that's all that I need to say... Her name will probablly change. If you're wondering, Sang Déchire means Blood Tears in French (or so freetranslation.com tells me...)

20y339d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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