Eric Broffel

Dominic Deegan
Dominic Deegan by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

This is a fanart portrait to a comic I took a quick liking to and it's main character, a seer named Dominic Deegan. He runs a psychic business in a medival-like era fantasy world. And unfortunatly for him most of the customers he gets are complete idiots. Weather it be a bald guy asking if he's gonna lose his hair, or a forseeing lower back problems from a big-breasted woman who just asks, 'Why?' That alone quite explains the frustrated and annoyed look on his face. I just couldn't resist to draw this character when I saw that funny expression one so many times throughout the series.

© Michael Terracciano

Rough / Concept
21y75d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

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