Cassie Nopoly

Sunthunder by @andany (Cassie Nopoly)

Its Kivas youngher and Impys older brother, Sunthunder. Yes, very creative name, i know. He was the very first creation of my own characters and managed to survive without a name or a design for like 2 years i think, all i know is i created him befor joining neopets. Thow he was suposed to be a digimon back then @@; I created him when I went on vecation in spain with my family, and thats where his name came from, there was that city or something called Santander, and cuz i kinda liked that i created his name. His Elementary is Electricity, tahts why hes wearing stuff that doesnt conduct Electricity. I dont know what exactly he is doing in this pic, but i think hes shooting Jolts with his hand oO I also kinda messed up with his legs, thats why i think this pic sucks (just like the lil Andany blob says up there ^^") Artwork © Copyright 2003 Cassie Nopoly

Rough / Concept
21y21d ago
Other Work By @andany

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