Nyssa S

Beautiful Memory
Beautiful Memory by @Saimain (Nyssa S)

“She is called the Mistress of Illusion, an ethereal embodiment of the Forest of Illusions–an ancient wood poisoned by grief and hatred at the savagery of mortal men. Once she was as tranquil and content as other forests, a haven for weary creatures to whom she would whisper ancient secrets and sing drowsy songs, but now she is a wild beauty full of menace and tricks, sometimes glimpsed as a little golden-white creature darting among the shadows, and sometimes as a beautiful white-haired woman clothed in moss.”

Whoo, it feels nice to finally have commissions mostly done for the year. I can concentrate on finishing personal pieces like this one that have been lying dormant in my folders.

Finished Work
9y333d ago
Other Work By @Saimain

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