Haley Brown

Ryu-chan & Sai! Yaoi ish good...
Ryu-chan & Sai! Yaoi ish good... by @NK (Haley Brown)

Sai's shirt.. it isn't pink I tell you! XI It's... a manly color of some sort. Yes, Manly Natural Tones. Now stop looking at my brain-eatingly girly pic & listen to me rant: (again) Go read Purple Mouse's FY fic Another Story! http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=113137 (that be t3h title, you monkeys ^~.; ) It's very long & very full of yaoi, (no H ^^.; ) sap, & cuteness, & all the Suzaku Seishi get cool (& big) parts! It's amazing how she mixes such deadly cuteness with a very beautifully written, in-character story that has a great, believable plot. It even has a sequel! (that isn't finished, but I plan to try & inspire her with this... evil grin unoriginal as it may be;;;;;; ) In which most of the Seiryuu (etc.) Seishi come in. ^^. (Tama-neko, too!) It is AU, but only a little, cuz it's in Miaka's world. ^~. (I.. think?) But anyway, all my friends I've made read it have loved it! So go now & read: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=113137 (again) & pay no attention to my awful handwriting.;; It says 'Ryuuen & Saihitei from YAS ~for Purple Mouse', btw. & IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT FY IS...... read anyways, it could probably stand on it's own. -^__^-

Finished Work
20y299d ago
Other Work By @NK

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