Monica Huffaker

Popular Songstress, Sasha
Popular Songstress, Sasha "Kitsuni" Asda by @Kuroneko_Tama (Monica Huffaker)

Ah.. Kitsuni, one of my oldest characters.. second only to Monica d'Stilwater, herself. Of course, Kitsuni started as a Cursed chinese girl in Ranma 1/2 (She fell into the spring of the drowned fox), but over the years she changed.. do to the fact that finding a Ranma 1/2 RP is VERY DIFFICULT. Those are more rare then STH RPs.....

Anyho. Kitsuni was altered into a kitsune. She's a Time/ Fire kitsune, with the abiltiy to "hop times", but only for a short period of times. Things like the Bone Eater's Well, when she's around, tend to NOT work for the time she's present around it.

Her recent usage is in a Yugioh/Inuyasha cross over RP I started with some friends, where i've gone back to 90% of her origonal story. Only difference, I kept the demon Fox part. ;)

Finished Work
19y192d ago
Other Work By @Kuroneko_Tama

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