Chrissy Templin

My Little Uni : Ikkakujuu Tenba
My Little Uni : Ikkakujuu Tenba by @Fyregryphoness (Chrissy Templin)

A picture of my Uni on Neopets, Ikkakujuu_Tenba, as a foal. ^_^ His body type is based somewhat on that of a baby clydesdale. (I LOVE Clydesdales!) He's an elemental uni of sorts. Nearly all the colors on his body represent something:

Mane and tail = fire Body = earth Hooves and fetlocks = water Wings = air

Yeah, I guess it's kinda cheesey...but I like his design so far. =)

I've been practicing a lot with new types of CGing and I'm rather pleased with this one, compared to some of my older works. ^^" There are a few things I'm not too fond of though, such as the wings and face. Plus I got a little lazy in some areas because I was getting tired of working on it. So please, no major critisims as this is mostly practice for me anyway. :)

The crappy background stars were made by me (as a brush).

Image and Character © Chrissy-Lee Templin 2005 Uni © Neopets at www.neopets.com

Finished Work
19y69d ago
Other Work By @Fyregryphoness

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