Ehren Hatten

Kennedy Stark
Kennedy Stark by @ehrehatt (Ehren Hatten)

He's older in this picture than he is in the first year instalment of my Astra Knight series on fanfiction.net

Kennedy is about as clueless as you can get without being a complete nimboid. He is a muggleborn and he hasn't a clue about anything in the wizarding world. He isn't the main character (obviously), but he's a cute addition!:3

He's modeled after my friend Chris Sharp. Chris isn't exactly blueless, he's just odd.... but I wonted someone who didn't know too much so I dropped his IQ a few points (SORRY CHRIS!) Yes... Chris was a red head... before he went into the marines... now he's a baldy! XD Anyway.. red my story to enjoy Kennedy at his best. It's still in the works so it's not finnished, but you may like what I have of it. Astra Knight and the Moonlight Dreams...

HARRY POTTER! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Ehren Hatten

Finished Work
22y214d ago
Other Work By @ehrehatt

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