Stacey LeBlanc

The Valiant Seer of Ice and Diamond, Tucker Foggan Maxwell
The Valiant Seer of Ice and Diamond, Tucker Foggan Maxwell by @staclebl (Stacey LeBlanc)

One word. Wow. That is how my day has been. I had 6 tests and I had to dissect a worm! The worm wasn't too bad- I got to open it's gizzard and I shoved pins up it's anus and mouth... it was cool... and the tests. Ickies... braindead, so I drew a character that kinda resembles my stupidity right now. I shaded everything and smeared... twas fun, but the sky looks like crap. Oh well... still came out okay; not to brag but probably one of my better drawings of this dude... now the question is HOW DO I COLOR IT WITHOUT RUINING IT?!

BTW, I've heard about some art thieves, and, just as a warning, you can steal anything that I draw that is unrelated to SoL (other than StEx and CATS, cuz those are fanarts), but if I find you stealing my SoL, you WILL be sued... for they are copyrighted strictly to Elizabeth and Me.

Rough / Concept
22y147d ago
Other Work By @staclebl

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