Nichol Stout

Saber the Sabertooth Dragon Mix
Saber the Sabertooth Dragon Mix by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

Not a very inventive name i know... and not a good pic of him either... I didnt like all my current drawings of Saber the god of reason on Futrainia.. Look, he has three pairs of those awsome sabertooth teeth, hehehe. Orignally this is what he looked like... before humans skined him alive and he is now wearing Armor over all the scars... Pretty sad... this was in his HAPPIER days...

You must be wondering how a god wouldnt heal from that.. Well. My gods may be immortal and such.. but they deal with the same crap all we mortals do at times... in Saber's case worse... His immortality kept him from dieing while they skined him, a fate worse then death. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Nichol Stout

Finished Work
21y207d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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