Nichol Stout

BolderanNic by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

This is Bolder the bull, and Nicoma, the tiger/lion/eagle/shark ... im getting tired of saying that but you all need it for search reasons. Bolder is a char i really never used up until "Planet of Hope". He is a warrior as you can see, and not a really nice one at that, attacking the Queen and all. He is the Alpha male of his clan. Here he attacked Nicoma when she was on her way to Kindomajar Castle. Now usually you will see the Queen be able to bring down something as big as this guy here, but... she almost dies in the fight against him, had it not been for three little words. Not "i love you" Litibain language that i dont care to speek right now. Hope ya all like it, i didnt do too well on the armor or swords but i think it turned out ok.. there was a little water damage done to this pic.. hope you dont mind it. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

21y216d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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