Chris T.E.

Christmas pic
Christmas pic by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)
Guntz: ... Did you guys hear something?

Klonoa: C'mon, quit pullin' our legs...

I know it's probably a little early for the Christmas pics, but if I don't do it now, I'll never remember. >.< Just a little sketch I did last night... I liked it, so I inked it, got PSP7 running, and poof voila!

A few things to point out: 1) Yeah, yeah, I drew Guntz with his hair down. :-p Why? I haven't seen anyone else do it yet... ehehe. 2) Why is Guntz's right eye closed? His hat is too big. I just don't think I drew it well enough... >.< lol 3) Sorrow isn't fat... his coat is just very fluffy. ^_^ w00t for fluffiness 4) I know the Pac-Man pendant is on the wrong side of Klonoa's hat... I like it to be visible. It just gives me that sure feeling that it's Klonoa I'm drawing... Eh, weird, neh?

Well, Merry Christmas, y'all.

Finished Work
21y181d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

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