What I thought of my sis and I before... by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)
She was very silly silly before, and I always was and still am pissy and never happy of anything (don't worry, I'm happy at times, it's just that my face won't show it o.o). I would think of her growing up like that and me always having to drag her back to reality. But then puberty kicked in and it aaaall changed. Kinda sad... o-o ... some boring news: I now know that a Singer that sings for kids is a friend of one of my family member o.o Funny, because I used to listen to her songs and her show ^^ I SAW HER LIVE YO!! WOOO!!! x_x;; And I also know how she became a singer. blinks moo! I'm making my hair grow long n_< Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr
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