Christopher Christian

Caelyx MacGregor
Caelyx MacGregor by @orahnn (Christopher Christian)

"The proud Caelyx MacGregor stands waiting for his friends to join him, feeling the comfortable, well-worn hilt of his greatsword within his grasp. His eyes wander the treeline beyond the town as he thinks back to his mentor, the Ranger Marsellis..."

Caelyx was one of a set of character sketches I did for an RPG campaign, "Chaos in Ravenshelm," I ran years ago. Caelyx was also another character sketch done for my friend Kenny Wainwright. (hey, Kenny!) At the time, I was experimenting with a little different inking style. I really like the way it came out, and hope to do some more work like this in the future.

Finished Work
19y128d ago
Other Work By @orahnn

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