Alex Donoho

- Beautiful Alone -
- Beautiful Alone - by @xxglitter_girlxx (Alex Donoho)

Picture of Legolas and Aethryn I did at school in sharpie with pencil shading.

Legolas came out a tad girly for my tastes, but oh well. I still love it. Aethryn looks positively wonderful to me. I got so many compliments on this at school. And I didn't even work that hard on it. Hence the reason I adore it so much. I drew Aethryn in proper elven attire even though she prefers the warrior life..

And for those who don't know, Aethryn is a character Drake and myself made up. She's one of the last remaining Noldarian elves in Middle-Earth, but she's only half. She's part demon as well. In our story, she became a valuable allie in The War of the Ring after her lover, Aruk, betrayed her to follow Sauron. She was the Guardian of the Fellowship and followed them with her brother, Eriside, to make sure they were safe as possible. When the Fellowship broke at Amon Hen, she and her brother set out with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli to rescue the hobbits. She became fiercely entangled in the War when she realized the ring she wore around her neck, a gift from her mother, was a fourth Elven Ring created by Suaron.. Aeth and Eri both knew Legolas during their childhood, since they lived in Mirkwood for a period of time. They left when their mother was captured and 'murdered' by orcs to live with their demon father in the Wilds. Both of them became the most skilled trackers and fighters in Middle-Earth, and Aeth became a novice with the long elven knives while Eri accelled at archery. When Aeth joined the broken Fellowship, Legolas didn't remember who she was, until he saw her transform into her demon half during battle. Aeth had been deeply in love with Legolas as a child, and that emotion resurfaced when she saw him again. She never left his side during battle, and shared quite a few intense and passionate, though often fleeting and conflicting moments with him..

Aeth is a warrior by nature, but longs to be a Lady at her Prince's side if he will have her. When the War is over, and the peace begins..

What path will she choose?

Finished Work
20y289d ago
Other Work By @xxglitter_girlxx

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